
I agree with Jennifer's points of view, I have some ideas on HK education problems and would like to share with all of you as well.


1. The impact of media

Yes !  They are ironically well-trained to believe what are printed in the newspaper.  

On the other hand, this is hot gossip of their daily life.  If they didn't well-trained by those "media", they have no topics with their peers / classmates.

Furthermore, they worship several "idol singers" "movie stars".  They have strong will to “model” those "skills" and "results" from their idols. ( But they have no will to learn more during their school life ).


2. Mislead by the Exam System

Like what Jennifer has pointed out, the youngsters nowaday care too much on the results of examinations.  Why ?  Because employers and the public are too liable to the results of examinations.  Thay's why who fail in the examination, then they are labeled as "loser".


Besides, for the reason above, teachers and families are then focus heavily on the ability of examination of the students. Afterwards, teachers conduct too much special training of examination ( Most probably deliver methods of model answer ), and, families send their child to those TUTORIAL CENTREs which can enhance the ability of examination power.


Some days ago, one of my younger cousin had joined the WAR GAME which was leaded by me. In one game, I ordered him as a commander. When the game was finished, and he lost  the game, he felt totally lost and upset. He cared too much on the result. And, after the game, he was still keeping in saying something like, “if I do this and this............, then we will not lose the game.”


From this case, it is obviously the evidence of the failure of HK examination system.   

Our young generation just care the result, they don't care the "learning journey" ! 


3. Lack of Goal(s)

Our younger generation just concentrate in workship of several idols, they don't know what they are doing right now !  They don't know what they want or what they are going to be. They have no goal(s) !

Unfortunately, even when they have their own goal, they don't know what they should do in order  to achieve the goal.  They have no direction !


4. Misunderstanding from the families

Majority of the HK families ( especailly those families without religion ) are too liable on the educaiton from the school.  They don't aware that family education is also very important .  Therefore, they make their child have a narrow mind of thinking......


5. Individualism

Majority of our young generation are too sellfish, they just care and concern about themselves only.


6. Lack of "mental / spiritual developments"

Apart from those schools which have religion backgrounds, many schools of HK  can not deliver "holistic" "mental / spiritual" education program to their students.  


I believe that above points might be the weakness of HK education.


I wish those sharing could be make more insights from you.