

Hi all friends,


I would like to share some of my ideas on HK education system, and wishing to hear more discussion from other people as well.


1. The "Model answer" teaching method

I have been staying (living and working after graduation) in a tertiary institution for 6 years. To be exact, I haven't left the education system in my life.  May be this is the reason why I concern our education system that much.  Children are our future -- they should be well-trained with critical and independent thinking.   I agree to the idea of "Hong Kong's education fails because students were taught to look for the model answers."  Even worst, students only studied those model answers that will be examined. 


2. The influences of media

Our younger generation is ironically well-trained to believe what are printed in the newspapers and magazines.  They are deeply affected by the irresponsible media everyday (newspapers, magazines, movies etc).  WHO TELLS YOU THOSE IN THE NEWSPAPERS MUST BE RIGHT ?  Most of time, it only biases our judgement.  How many people will try to look for more information before believing what's mentioned in one newspaper ? I am very frustrated and disappointed about our media. It implanted too many destructive values to our younger generation.  The education system fails because our younger generation learnt from (hypnotized by) the media unconsciously everyday and every moment.  You probably know the power of hynosis.  Can you use your conscious mind (formal education system) to fight with the unconscious mind ?


3. Lack of motivation.  Why ?

Students are lacking of motivation.  Why ?  There are really lots of reasons.  From a society perspective, they grow up in the better environment and worry-free.  (the Hong Kong economic downturn and import of labour from Mainland are going to make some changes, I hope).  Also, they are forced to play the same game (public examination) so as to prove if they are success or not.  Why force our child who are very good at playing basketball to play ping-pong (HKCEE, HKALE) and used ping-pong as the standard ?  The worst of all, those who fails will be labeled as a failure ! Once they are being labeled, it takes lots of effort to motivate them again.  Poor child, what did they do wrong ? They only get a "F" in HKCEE !  Does it really means they have to be regarded a failure by the society/relatives/family members/teachers/friends etc. for the rest of their life ?  WHY HKCEE (public exam) have to be that important ? I like the idea of giving them more choices -- like Project Springboard and other programmes.  Some of students who "fail" in HKCEE but with other talents worth a chance.  I did teach some students like that and happy to see that they changed after playing a new game !


There are some other factors as well but it may be too long for now.  See if we have any chance to discuss it in details later on.