

能令自己對心靈有進一步的認識,課程深淺適中。(羅詠雪 - 小學教師)


清楚、深入淺出。(Ronnie - 學生)


活動教學,令學員對九型人格更理解。(Zeta - 文員)


A lot of interaction, real life examples, very practical & easy to follow! 

(Bernice - Lawyer)


更認識催眠,加深對心理學的興趣。(Michelle - 學生)



(Steve - IT)


The instructor has enough psychology related working experience and enough confidence and skills to teach the students. (Amy - 記者)


學員互相做例子,了解大家性格,易於明白,令學員記憶深刻。(Joey - 大學生)


Stephen Sir以輕鬆手法去處理課題,令課程氣氛良好;以深入淺出的例子作解釋,令學員較易掌握理論背後所說。(林迅榮 - 保險從業員)


Easy to understand. Mr. Wong can use good examples to illustrate principles & theories. (Carmen – Secretary)